Miyajima Shakushi Making Experience

Shakushi Making Experience(Fee:¥400)    Approximate time required: 1 hour
※Reservation is required.

Participation Requirement
 To participate in the hands-on activities, you must have a group of five or more.

 Up to 40 people can attend at one time.

To make a reservation for a hands-on activity please contact the Miyajima Traditional Handicrafts Hall;  E-Mail:info@miyajimazaiku.com
Miyajima Momiji Manju Making Experience


Momiji Manju Making Experience(Fee:¥756)    Approximate time required: 1 hour
※Reservation is required.
Participation Requirement
 To participate in the hands-on activities, you must have a group of five or more.
 Up to 40 people can attend at one time.
To make a reservation for a hands-on activity please contact the Miyajima Traditional Handicrafts Hall;  E-Mail:info@miyajimazaiku.com
Miyajima-Bori Making Experience

Miyajima-bori Making Experience (Fee:¥1,900 Include Wood Plate 15cm) 
※Approximate time required: 1 hour
※Reservation is required.

Participation Requirement
 To participate in the hands-on activities, you must have a group of five or more.
 Up to 40 people can attend at one time.

To make a reservation for a hands-on activity please contact the Miyajima Traditional Handicrafts Hall;  E-Mail:info@miyajimazaiku.com